
Friday, October 2, 2009

Baby ID Bracelets

We are keeping the names a surprise, but here is a clue! I just finished baby id bracelets.

I didn't want the girls to be known as the "pink" or "yellow" twin by always dressing them in certain colors. So I thought, why not id them by their name, that is what a name is for! Each bracelet has the first initial of their first name. Can't wait to try them on you...Baby E & Baby P!

email me at to order your own twin ID bracelets!

About Twin Baby ID Bracelets:

-flat and can be customized with one or two initials for the name so twins can keep them on. It's an easy way to tell them apart by their name instead of color. Works great for moms, dads, family members and friends! An alternative to painting toenails, piercing ears, and color coding your twins in order to tell them apart. 

-two custom colors...choose one background color and one color for initials

-We never use beads, buttons, or anything else that a baby could chew or suck on and could end up causing choking. Which is why all of the ID bracelets are made of soft non-toxic 100% cotton yarn.

-The bracelets are washable and adjustable, and close with tiny flat snaps that are sewn on securely. They are not accessible to the babies so they will be safe.

-Contact to order a set today!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful day. It is October 8, 2009 and I heard my Beautiful baby grand-daughters hearts beat today. Thank you Amber & Brian for letting me be such a special part of the girls life. I love them so much already. They looked beautiful today!!!! Amber you are a gorgeous mother to be. Being pregnant is becoming to you. I can feel God standing right beside you every step of the way. I felt Him there with us today as you, Brian and Noni(me) watched the girls on ultrasound. They are such a miracle. My prayers are for them to just keep growing and stay in there, and for you Amber to stay healthy and strong !!!!!
    I Love you all, Mom.



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