
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saving Lives!

A friend of mine told me about ISR infant survival swimming. It is amazing and hopefully I will be able to do it with the girls later this year. I wanted to share it with anyone else who may be interested. Here is a you tube video of an 11 month old baby using his skills.

The other thing I wanted to share was The Angel Care Monitor. Eden and Pryce were preemies born at 33 weeks. Due to this they were both diagnosed with apnea, which is very common in premature babies. When we were discharged from the hospital they both had to leave on pulmonary heart monitors that detect heart rate and breathing. If the alarm goes off we would have to stimulate the baby to "wake" her up from the apnea episode. Pretty scary; however, the monitor gives us peace of mind. These monitors are very expensive but every mother out there deserves the same peace of mind when it comes to SIDS. My mom actually just told me of someone she met at the nail salon who's grandson recently passed away due to SIDS. It just killed me when I heard it because I know about these angel care monitors.

They are only $175.00 and can be found at babies r us or ordered from Amazon. They detect breathing, if the baby stops the alarm sounds. It's that simple! I feel like all new parents should have one. It can save lives and give peace of mind which can allow for much needed please help me spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amber- we have the angelcare monitor too. I love it. We got it after a friend of mine's neice had a seizure from a high fever in the middle of the night and stopped breathing. Thankfully they were able to revive her. But it is so scary! She is 2. So they are great to use for a long time also. Great post! Hope all is well.



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