
Saturday, February 20, 2010

A little about the girls right now...

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted. All I can say is that twins turned my world upside down. Regardless of how many books I read and preparations I made! It has been hard but we are finally getting into a groove and all feeling better. Here is a little about what's going on with the girls.

Birthday: November 21, 2009

Actual Age: 3 months

Corrected Age: (for being born 6 weeks premature) about 7 weeks old

Weight: somewhere between 11-12lbs!

Feeding: We are on a 4hr schedule right now they eat 4-5oz at 6am, 10am, 2pm, and 6pm and then a dreamfeed between 10-11pm.

Naps: The girls take three naps. After each feeding the girls are awake for about 1-2 hrs and then wake time is followed by nap time. So they sleep from about 8-10, 12:30-2, and about 4-6.

Bedtime: is between 7-8 depending on how tired they are. After their 6:00 bottle they get a bath, we read a book, say prayers, and then the girls are down for the night and Brian and I have some adult tv time! We go to bed after their dreamfeed at about 11:00.

Sleeping through the night: the girls pretty much sleep through the night. Pryscilla does the best and on a regular basis. Eden needs a little more attention still and wakes up for her binki around 4:30 or 5am.

Bathtime: They love it and are ready for baby swimming lessons soon. In the bath they are so relaxed and move their little arms and feet around underwater. They don't like baby bathtubs and prefer to take bath in the big tub. It's so adorable!

Overall disposition: Content, happy, and spirited! I am so blessed. Friday night my parents took the four of us out to dinner to a very nice restaurant! When we walked in we got a lot of looks like "Oh wow....there are babies and they are sure to cry", but I know my babies and they were fed and happy. They stayed quiet in their carriers and slept through dinner. It was wonderful to be able to go out.

Twin Stuff?: Pryscilla is very interested in Eden. She looks at her and smiles all the time! They both let me know if either one is unhappy and I may not be answering them as fast as they'd like. Pryce may be crying and a few moments later Eden will start calling me too, it's funny! Once I answer her they both quiet cute!

Some of the things they are doing:
Holding their head up briefly
moving their arms and legs often and more fluidly
making sounds (starting to coo) and I'm loving this!!!
Smiling :)
Looking around and following us with their eyes
They love music. Every time we play music for them they smile and move around. They especially love when their dad and Kpaw sing to them.

Adjusting was very hard but things are under control and enjoyable right now! We love them so much and are enjoying getting to witness them changing and growing so fast.

1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting for this post for a while! Yeah! Sounds like everyone is doing well and adapting well. We need more pictures of those angels. Post more when you have time...yeah right, I know time doesn't exist anymore, but miracles do happen. You have two of them...and just wait, they will happen more often than you think. He gave you two for a reason!



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