
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Membrane

We had our 2nd appt. today at 3:00 and we got some very good news! The ultrasound shows a thin membrane separating baby A & baby B. This means that our twins are not MoMo Twins (which I previously posted) they are actually Monochrionic (one placenta) Diamnionic (2 amniotic sacs). For short.. MoDi and they are still Monozygotic twins meaning identical. The appointment was wonderful we don't have to worry about the umbilical cords getting tangled up anymore or fight club in my placenta. Please still keep them in your prayers, as they still have to be highly monitored for TTS (Twin-to-Twin Transfusion). But even if TTS does occur there are treatment options and the babies could still make it. TTS happens in about 20% of MoDi twins. So for all of you who have been praying for all of us our prayers are being heard. Below are some pics from our ultrasound and some stats on Identical twins. 

  • Identical Twins are not hereditary they are an anomaly
  • Their DNA is nearly identical
  • They have different fingerprints 
  • The twins are always the same sex
  • Physical traits and appearance is very similar but not exactly the same
  • After birth physical and environmental elements can change their appearance
  • There are 10 million triplets and Monozygotic twins worldwide this amounts to roughly .14% of the world population if not less


  1. That 3-D ultrasound is amazing... They already look like they have squishy cheeks!

  2. Praying so that your babies will be in good health and that you will have a healthy pregnancy.
    Love, Grandpa & Grandma Dorotik

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. we look at these beautiful miracles and see Gods hand at work. Wow.........we are so blessed to be a part of these two little lives. Thanks Amber & Brian.

  5. I am so happy that our specific prayer requests were answered....God is amazing...and these little miracles are lots of people's angels...they are already "changing" and making a difference in so many lives...i am so excited about your pregnancy and these ya

  6. Amber! Erin told me the amazing news. I'm so happy for you. What a blessing. You guys will definitely be in my prayers. I look forward to following your journey through your blog.

  7. Thank you all so much for your comments. They are all so sweet..



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