
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello Again!!!

My quote for today found by my best friend Beka, thanx girl!! 

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

This quote could not explain any better the transition I've been going through of leaving a reasonably "happy go lucky life style" behind to being married with children and all the responsibility that's coming along with it. I know that I will find my new self, my new life, and it will be great and better than before, but I definitely have a sense that I am leaving my old life behind.

Hey everyone.. So Its been quite some time since I've posted anything juicy for you guys to read or look at. Brian is scanning new pictures of the girls today and I will get those on here pronto! So I am 23 weeks now and a lot has happened since my 16 week posting. 

Around 18 weeks I had some pretty bad growing pains down my left side. I was pretty much in bed for a week and half and couldn't really move around too much. Thank goodness icy hot patches did the trick plus I'm sure the massage I got helped as well. Plus I spent a lot of time in the pool. I've become such an advocate of swimming and pregnancy. If I had a pool, I'd be teaching pregnancy water aerobics now. With all this extra weight I'm toting around the weightless feeling is awesome. So I'm sure that helped too.. Other than the weight gain my poor body is having to deal with, physically I've been feeling pretty good. Except of course that its getting harder to bend over or get out of bed.  Ugh!

As for emotionally, I have my ups and downs, which is true for any pregnant girl so I won't dwell. Feel free to ask Brian how thats been when you see him...  

The babies had their 22 week appointment last week with the perinatal Dr. (a high risk baby Dr.). She did a level 2 ultra sound to see how the girls were developing. It went very well! Their brains, bones, and bodies look great! I know you all are still praying and I have to sincerely ask that you keep it up as the next 10 weeks will be the most closely watched of the whole pregnancy. At our 22 week appt. Baby B was showing to be 1 week behind Baby A in size (or 4 oz.) In the world of twins the Dr. assured us, as has Dr. Faro, that this is perfectly normal. There is no indication at this time of TTS. We are in the clear, so far. Please pray that they both continue to grow at equal, or at least close, to equal rates. If everything continues on the current course we'll be having these babies sometime around December 14th. We haven't scheduled a date yet... 

So thats the update on all of us for now. I'll write more often. I feel like I'm finally coming out of a fog. We have been working hard to organize our house to get it ready for the nursery and the babies. I've also made a few purchases for the girls, I'll post some pix for you to check out. I'm done with our registries and I'll post links to those too... :) 

Thanks for keeping up with this blog even though I've been lagging....Just remember my excuse I only have for about 3 more months...I'M PREGNANT!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no. You're excuse will last a lot longer than that. Your every waking moment when the two beauties arrive will be taking care of them. Most of us will totally understand, though! We'll just want pictures in the beginning until you have time to write something! lol



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