
Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Host for My babies

Definition of Host: The animal or plant on which or in which another organism lives

This entire pregnancy I've described myself as feeling like a host for these two lives inside of me. I've felt it without much thought. I feel like my life has been taken over, my nutrients zapped. There is a whole list of things I can't do: drink, waste energy, eat too much seafood, get on a roller coaster, jump, lift, take really hot baths, drink too much coffee, etc... Then there are the things I have to do: get plenty of rest, eat right, take vitamins every night, go see my Dr. all the time, monitor my body and how its feeling, etc. So from the moments of finding out I was pregnant I have felt like a lot of my lifestyle choices came to a giant halt for the soul reason of trying to do my part in producing healthy living organisms...or cute little babies. This feeling for me came naturally. 

It brings to mind abortion and one of the main arguments for it... "It's a woman's body she should do what she thinks is best" ... in my mind they need to restate that by saying... "It's a woman's body she should do what she wants" because to me in a matter of abortion there is no denying the fact that something else, another being, is living and growing inside of you. The "choice" comes in when deciding weather to host those living beings or not. Unfortunately, since the little tiny humans can't talk, they can't scream and fight for their life. That's why we have to! Brian and I have been given a gift, we have the ability to chronicle (as have you though our pictures) the growth of the twin girls from 8 weeks of life. It has been amazing so far. Life does not begin when these babies come into the world at 9 months. Please!!! I read a story online of a baby that was delivered and lived at 21 weeks of age. Not common of course but it still happened! 

Life begins when their heart starts beating and we were able to hear our girls hearts at 8 weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! How wonderful! I felt the same way. our twin boys came via IVF so I'm especially sensitive to those women who "choose" to not "host" their babies! i love your blog, Amber and I love you, too :) You're just precious! So glad we've gotten to know each other! Love, Morgendee



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