
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pryscilla and Eden's Baptism-- 8-1-10 at 11:00 am

Our Family at the Reception
Our family and the Godparents, Brian and Kendl

So I've decided the best way to keep memories vivid is to write down as many details you can about the memory. That way when you try and recall it years later there will be more for your brain to recollect and reform the memory.

The girls' baptism is one of those memories I want to be able to remember forever.... vividly.

We woke up at 6:00 am to leave Kingwood. My mom, being the angel she is, kept the girls' the
night before for me. I got up, got dressed, packed the car and headed down the road. We made good time but I was almost out of gas so I stopped at buckees in Wharton to fill up. As I pulled up to the pump I noticed it (and all of the others) were covered in green grasshoppers. I have a bug phobia and what really freaks me out is when there are multiple bugs in the same place creeping, crawling, and in this case jumping around. It grosses me out more than anything else. At the moment I couldn't help but think of the end of the world and a plague of bugs. I didn't have time to go anywhere else so I had to fill up. It took everything in me to get out of the car and do that but I was successful. Only 1 jumped on me, I did scream, and everyone did look at me. Evidently Wharton people must be use to this attack of grasshoppers because everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

We all made it to the church, but couldn't find where our class was taking place. We finally did 15 min later so we were late to the class. Thank goodness they let us in and we got "credit". Afterwards, Beka and I raced over to Mikeska's BBQ where we were having the reception and decorated. Once we were both happy with the way it looked (see a few pictures below) we raced back to the church. We made it at the very end of mass and saw Brian's parents walking up at the same time. We met them at the back along with Slade, Presley, Kennady, and Pepa. Rhonda handed me two small James Avery bags. I opened the first part and it was an adorable white rose headband with feathers and glitter. This was honestly the only piece of their outfits that I didn't get before hand. She said there was more so I reached down into the bottom of the bag and pulled out two tiny shell bracelets. My heart fluttered because they were shells. The shell is a baptism symbol. I had decided to decorate with shells so being given these beautiful shell charms was directly from the Spirit. Father Gary, who baptized the girls, also used a silver pewter shell to pour the water over their heads. An 11:11 moment for sure! I love when you can see the Spirit through synchronicity. It makes it all so clear!

Moments later we were all called to the baptismal fount. The water almost seemed to glow in the light coming in from the stained glass windows. I wanted to jump in myself but of course held back. The ceremony began and the girls were attentive to Father the entire time. They were so beautiful in their bright white dresses and little bonnets. They wore a silver cross from Jerusalem around their neck and the shell bracelet around their wrists. Mema had brought the necklaces back from the Holy Land.
Eden Violet

Pryscilla Kennady

Pepa "drawing" the cross on Pryscilla's forehead
Father first blessed them with Holy Oil and then drew a cross on their forehead with his thumb. He then requested that the parents, godparents, witnesses, grandparents, and great grandparents do the same. When I got to Pepa he got really close to Pryscilla and said "little baby" with the sweetest tone and sweetest eyes I've ever seen. He drew the cross on her and kissed her. I will never forget that moment! Father proceeded to pour the water over each of their heads and they seemed to love it. They were both so calm. Lastly he blessed them on their heads with chrism oil that is only used at baptism and confirmation in the Catholic faith. It smelled so good, me and Brian are still smelling their little heads. Father said it is such a strong oil it would last for a few days. When the baptism was over Mema and Jillian started singing...this little light of mine. It was the most beautiful version I've ever heard. Little Jillian's voice mixed with Mema's wonderful singing. It was so Holy. I loved it.

Small shell bracelets from the Colliers

The ceremony
Eden Violet (Godparents in the background looking so proud!
Pryscilla Kennady

The Grandparents: Colliers on the Right, Mom and Dad on the left

Our Family with Godparents (Witnesses) -- Johnsons
Great Grandparents, Mema and Pepa
Me and Mema
Father Gary...what a wonderful person. We are so lucky he baptized our baby girls.
Family Photo

Reception Lunch at Mikeskas BBQ

Following the baptism we all took pictures with the babies. Mema showed me the roses that were set by St. Joseph. She had donated them to the church in honor of the girls. We had a moment there together and I thanked her for making this day happen. She cried and said, "it wasn't me it was Jesus" and I said "yes you are right but thank you for letting him work through you". Mom and Brian also had a special moment with St. Joseph.

We all left the church and headed to Mikeskas BBQ for a wonderful celebration. Father Gary led us in prayer and then we ate. While we were eating, Beka was feeding Pryscilla and found that her bottom tooth had pushed through. So neat for that to have happened on her baptism! Aunt Sandy cut the cake which was a white cake with cream cheese and raspberry fillings. It was iced white with a light pink cross in the middle. Each of the girls names was on top and bottom. I will always remember how good the cake smelled. Yummy and Sweet! We finished by opening presents. Kendl and Brian gave the girls their first bibles as did Beka

The whole time I had joyful songs going in the background like Oh Happy Day, Come to the Water, Baptism, Redemption Song, Down by the River, and many more. It was one of the best days of my life so far. Right up there with getting married and the day the girls were born. I thank the Lord so much for working through everyone who was a part of the day my baby girls were baptized.

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