
Saturday, August 28, 2010

WaterWall, Houston TX

The waterwall on Post Oak Blvd. is one of my favorite places in the city. I've always felt like it was a tiny slice of heaven. The cool mist hitting your face, the rush you get when looking up at the power of the water falling, and of course the loud sound of rushing water can't be beat. I have this memory of Brian taking me there for our first year anniversary that we were DATING, which means I was around 16 yrs old. It was a beautiful night, I fell in love from that moment on with both of them...Brian and the waterwall, hah.

I remember being pregnant with the girls and dreaming about the first time I'd share it with them. Well the opportunity presented itself without any planning so I got to take them. They were both a little sleepy but Eden seemed to wake up for the experience more than Pryscilla. No matter what it was wonderful sharing that moment with the both of them and my wonderful mom. Hopefully we will go back many times!

Me and my bambinos...

Drinking milk and enjoying the cool mist on a sunny hot Houston day
I love this one..Mom and Eden both look so excited
and Pryscilla is just relaxing in the mist!

1 comment:

  1. Amber you are so beautiful. What a blessing you are to me...all of you.



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