
Friday, June 29, 2012

Remembering Uncle Jerry

My Uncle Jerry passed away last night. I feel comforted that he passed peacefully, but I am going to miss this man so much. His kindness, love, and fun filled spirit will always be an inspiration to me. He was a brother to my great Aunt Mary ("Nanny") who I was also very close to. When I would visit with Uncle Jerry, I could always feel Nanny's spirit with us. They were very much alike and now they are together again. Uncle Jerry taught me so much about life and the way I want to live it. He loved The Lord, his family, music, parties, and enjoying every moment. He was a gentle soul, a free spirit, very funny, kind, confident, smart, moral, loyal, musically inclined, a veteran, an amazing listener, and just all around had that "cool" vibe going that's hard to put into words. He was a patriot. He told me many stories about the war and fighting for this country's freedom. The last few times I visited with him he played the piano amazingly (he use to be in a band and has always been a musician). I got many videos that are priceless to me. The 1st thanksgiving, when the girls were still in the NICU, his music brought so much joy to me, I thanked him over and over again for sharing his gift with me. I knew sitting there in that moment right by his side that I only had that fleeting moment to enjoy his music--that one day he would be gone from here and I wouldn't be able to hear it again. I'm so blessed he got to meet the twins -- that is very special to me -- and now he can tell Nanny (his sister & my great aunt) all about them. I loved his pink rose colored glasses. He always wore them, and I always told him I loved them. I will get a pair!! I'll miss you Uncle Jerry. My life will never quite be the same - a piece will always be missing. Another very special person in my life is gone which for me is a reminder that this life is very temporary, there is something much better awaiting those who choose a Spirit led path, and my faith is refreshed as I turn to the Lord for comfort. As I get older, I realize daily that life changes, good things happen, painful things happen, people come & go, death is difficult, birth is beautiful, and all any of us have is this very moment to live.

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