
Friday, June 1, 2012

Huck Finn Blues

I was doing dishes this evening waiting on Brian to get home. The girls and I were listening to the Margaritaville station on Sirius XM. It's a summer fav of mine. Always puts me in a tropical mood. Our family is about to head out to Cozumel for a destination wedding that the girls are flower girls in, so it seemed fitting to get the tropical vibe going. I was thinking back to our many trips to Key West and how it's just one of those places you can go back to over and over again and have more fun every time. If you want an easy tropical destination where most of the fun is within walking distance from your hotel, think about Key West.

Back to my dishes... a country song came on that caught my attention. Country isn't my usual genre of choice, but I liked the sound of the song and it was on the Margaritaville station. The girls must have been thinking the same thing because Pryscilla, soon followed by Eden, started a dance show for me. I love this song, I'm sure country fans already know it well, but it's called Huck Finn Blues by Brad Paisley. Excuse me, when I try to document the song title during the video, just wanted to make sure I remembered it and my camera wouldn't focus in on the screen. Hope all is well. The girls are great just growing up way too fast. Dad if you read this --- you would probably like this song.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post! When the girls get bigger, you have to bring them to Hannibal, Missouri to see all the places Brad is singing about. The Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum produced this CD ("Mark Twain: Words & Music"), and "Huck Finn Blues" was written by my dear friends Emily Hayes, Carl Jackson, and Danny Wilson. We are all thrilled to see how much your girls liked the song!



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