
Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Birth of Eden Violet & Pryscilla Kennady

Nov 18

I had a check up and had done a Dr. ordered 24 hr urine test. My blood pressure had been increasing already and then when I went in for the check up it was even higher. She was thinking I was in the beginning stages of preeclampsia. I was 33 weeks 3 days I think. She sent me over to L&D testing at the hospital for more tests and to get the urine analyzed really quickly. So my husband and I walked over and settled into a room for about 3 hours. They monitored the babies and took a lot of blood from me. After about 3 hrs they came back to and said everything checks out, "you're blood looks good, and your urine only has 60 grams of protein which is well within the limits". So I got released and put on Dr. orderedbed rest to keep my BP low.

Nov 19 (My husband's birthday)

I felt funky all day. I wasn't seeing spots or having headaches (the sure signs of preeclampsia) but I just didn't feel right. My mom was over that day helping to clean our house. I asked Brian (my husband) to run me up to CVS so I could check my pressure. At this point also I hadn't slept in 3 days because of the HUGE belly and feeling bad. My bp was high. As we were getting back in the truck my phone rang and it was the Dr. saying the lab misread my test results and I was preeclamptic!! I actually had 6000 grams of protein. So my liver was spilling it! She told me not to get in a hurry but to go home get my stuff together and head up to the hospital to check in. Her hopes were to hold me to 34 weeks, which would be Saturday, Nov 21st. So Brian and I checked in then settled in for a few days.

Nov 20

In the hospital getting monitored, family came to visit, watched some movies, and read some books I was getting nervous for sure!! It's more that excited nervousness. I didn't sleep a wink!!

Nov 21st (Happy Birthday Girls!)

The C-Section was scheduled for about 10 am. My family and friends got there for support and to see the babies.. I got wheeled back to the OR around 9 they prepped me and then an emergency section had to go before me. After that was our turn.. I was so nervous!! Then at 11:45 my Dr. pulled the first baby (Eden) out and she weighed 4.8. Words cannot describe the feelings the closest I can come is that I was seeing God before my eyes, I was in such awe!! At 11:46 came baby B (Pryscilla) and she weighed 4.1. They wrapped them up and brought them in to us for picture time. Holding my girls for the first time was so unbelievable, I fell in love!! What a blessed moment.

The girls were wheeled down to the NICU, not because of any specific problems just because they were preemies. I was in recovery for 12 hrs following their birth so I didn't get to hold or see them again until around 12 am that night. Very special when I finally did..

Nov 22-25

The girls have their own room in the NICU which has been really nice for us when we visit them, it's very private. They were both hooked up to IV's for nutrients, Eden had to have a feeding tube so she didn't have to waste her energy on feedings, and they both were having lots of apena and brady cardia episodes which was pretty scary!! The nurses would have to walk over to their beds to wake them up. They just forget to breath because their brain isn't mature enough yet to remember. It was just day to day to let them try and "catch on" to what they need to be doing: breathing, eating, pooping, peeing, and regulating body temperature. Each day one would improve a little and the other would lag back and then it would switch the next day. This period was tough but at the same time they never needed to be on oxygen and all of the Dr's were so positive just saying that all of this is completely normal for 33-34 weekers. But it of course drove me nuts. They also both lost quite a bit of weight Pryscilla dropped to around 3.6 and Eden 4. We went to visit them for thanksgiving then actually got to enjoy it with family which was amazing, I really wanted my turkey!! :) Also, throughout this whole period and still now I pump every 4 hrs. I know my milk is helping to make them stronger faster. I've been doing pretty good I think but there was about a day in there when I got 0 mls and it hurt like hell!!!

Nov 26th

Happy THANKSGIVING! I did get my turkey and so did the girls via breast milk!!!

Nov 27th

The Dr's started the girls on caffeine to stop the apnea and brady's. So far since starting we have not had any episodes!! YAY!! We started to see improvement and it felt so good! It's so funny how just the little things excite you like crazy. Eden started bottle feeding and I was there to feed her first bottle, it was an amazing feeling I was so proud of her. They both came off of their IV's that were delivering fats and lipids because they started gaining weight and eating more each day. They are starting to regulate their own body temperature.

Nov 28th

More of the same, feedings are going really well. The Dr. keeps moving it up every day and by the 29th they will be at full feeds. Eden weighs about 4.5 now and Prysce 4 lbs. They are doing really good and we couldn't be happier. I got to give them "baths" last night which was so much fun. Each day I'm doing a little more with them and getting more comfortable. I think they may be coming home by the end of next week, which is much shorter than we all anticipated. I just pray they keep on the same track.

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